Healthcare + Labs

University Health Network—Peter Munk Building Entrance // Toronto

Through a generous donation, UHN has the means to develop a new welcoming fully glazed entrance pavilion to the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (PMCC) which serves the dual purpose as a prominent new west entrance to Toronto General Hospital.

The new entrance pavilion will replace the existing entrance portico and McEwan Atrium entrance currently serving the facility. The existing driveway will be shifted slightly west to accommodate the extended canopy of the new pavilion. The north, west and south facades of the pavilion will be furnished with sophisticated structural glazing including curvilinear corners. Existing mechanical, electrical and security infrastructure will be extended into the new pavilion.

Hospital operations are required to be maintained throughout the construction. Observing, enforcing, managing UHN Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) procedures are of paramount importance.

The scope requires the Construction Manager oversee a combination of temporary and enabling work in the existing building to facilitate the construction of the new entrance pavilion. The project demands precision from all trades as the existing structure is reinforced and existing infrastructure extended to serve the new entrance pavilion.

Project Details:

KPMB Architects
$12M » Under Construction